Udyajit institute of management and technology [UIMT]

Regd. under Government Of India NITI Aayog Unique Id: OR/2017/0175734 ,and Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises UAN No :-OD24D0000786

PG Diploma In Computer Application (PGDCA)
The Program includes: - Computer Languages such as C, C++, JAVA, Packages such as MS Office-Web Design, Oracle-VB, TALLY, MS Dos-Windows as Operating System - System Analysis & Data Processing.
Course Name     PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application )
Course Duration     1 Year
Eligibility for Admission     Graduation in any stream
Admission Criteria     Admission shall be given on Merit based of Past Academic Performance.
application form

Apply online    link-    Apply

Terms And Conditions

1. Free Once give will not be refunded nor adjustable and nor transferable and will not be adjusted toany other course.
2. To take any leave written application to be given before 3 days.
3. Course Extension will be consider only due to unavoidable Reason.
4. It is Being strictly mentioned that only placement Assistance will be given to student. We are not providing any kind of job Guarantee/Claim
5. Fees being charged is subject to change without given any prior notice & will be binding by the student.
6. The institute reserves the rights to claim any damages or penalty from the students in case of any damage happen either its fumiture,Property,Books,Computers or any other material ect.
7. Institute reserve the rights to expel student without giving any prior notice if found any guilty Miscellaneous or undisciplined behavior.
8. Strict disciplin and punctuality shall be followed by the students.
9. Institute reserves the right not allowing the student in the premises of the centra in case of failure of payment of dues/fees to the institute on due dates.
10. Institute reserves the right to take any action whatsoever in case of misconduct on his/her behavior or fraudulent.
11. Student will not be allowed to take any terms related to the timings,Faculty ect.and the institute will be having full rights to take decision on every aspect of the academics.
12. There will be the compulsion of completing the Assignments,Test and the Examination as required by the institute from time to time failing which the institute reserves the rights to take any disciplinary action.
13. Faculties can be changed without giving any intimation to students due to any management ,administration reason.
14, The Institute will do it’s very best to deliver program in accordance with descriptions set out in the brochure, However, the prospectus is planned and printed at the earliest possible date to provide maximum assistance to intending applicants. The Institute therefore reserves the right to make variations to the content or method of delivery or assessment of program.
15. Students are contractually obliged to pay tuition fees and other fees on the dates they fall due, from the moment that an offer of a place is accepted.
16. If a student, or any third party who is supposed to pay tuition and other fees on student’s behalf, fails to pay by the due date specified by the center, The center reserves the right to charge interest and/or late fees on define rates.
17. The center reserves the right to exclude from studies forthwith any student who willfully and persistently neglects his/her academic work to such an extent that there is no reason able possibility of him/her being regarded as having duly performed the work of the program or being able to proceed to the next stage of the program. The center also reserves the right to exclude from studies forthwith any student who does not attend classes to a satisfactory level.
18. The center reserves the right to withdraw or amend its offer to any student where it is discovered that a false statement or significant omission of information has been made by the student/prospective student in their application.
19. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws.
20, The institute does not in any way guarantees the acceptance of its certificates/ diploma by any government department or others and no suit can be filed against the institute for non acceptance of its certificate/diploma by any government department or others.
21. In case of anydispute and for all legal purposes the jurisdiction will be Nayagarh (Odisha) INDIA only
22.Institute will not be responsible for any delay of result.
23.If I will not pay the fee in the sheduled time period, my admission can be cancelled and I will be responsible for the same.

I here by declare that all the information provided in the application form is true to behalf of my knowledge.I agree to abide by the rules,terms & conditions as mentions above of the institute on being granted admission.I also agree to pay the entire fee and other charges as per the schedule framed by the institute.
